Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just Because I Can.

Really, this is about to be one of those random things where I just ramble. Just because I can.

Plus, I have nothing else to talk about other than my day. So here goes.

I woke up at around 6:30 AM this morning and decided that I REALLY wanted to go back to bed. So I did. For about fifteen minutes. And then laid there tossing and turning. So sleep, well, it didn't go so great. xD

So, I get up, tired as all heck. But you know what? I still got around and got ready for school without trying to fake being sick to get out of it. Of course, I stink at faking sick, so it wouldn't have worked anyway... POINT BEING. I got dressed, left, and showed up at school for See You At The Pole. And let me tell you, it was amazing. When I got there, I helped Pineapple set up her keyboard for her music, and then it begaaaaan. First we had Kazi talk about why we were there. Then we had some loud music and donuts. Then came Pineapple.

She was amazing. Truely amazing. She just sounded so gorgeous singing her own song - playing the piano for it too. I was so proud of her... She even took my advice and changed the piano up a bit ^^ I got to hold the mic for her. Her music brought me to tears, guys... We were all proud - especially God, I think. Such beautiful praise to him, it was...

Then came the stories. There were three people who spoke. I was one of them. I told my story and nearly cried while doing it, I was so nervous. It was spur of the moment for me to go up there, you see. Just like everything else in my life, but Christianity apparently XD

The rest of the day was pretty good. I got my makeup work from everyone that I needed to, since I missed two days of school, and I caught up with the day-to-day social lives. Apparently a girl cheated on her man while I was gone. Broke his heart, too... I wanted to comfort him and beat her up, but truthfully, I'm not close enough to them to make those calls. Still wanted to hurt her... But instead, like Derek said, I'll just pray for them both. Pray for those you don't like instead of using violence, right? -twitch-

I didn't get a chance to do much when I came home today, so... Neh.

AJ IS COMING HOME! -victory dance- Friday! He moves back on Friday! And, and, and, I am SO making so much effort to go see him.
Plus I might start going to church with him again. I'll have to talk to the lady who's taking him in, 'cause I really liked going to that church. It made me feel at home even before I had my own revelation...

I need to plot.

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