Monday, September 20, 2010

Day Off Of School

I got a day off of school. -victory dance- And on my day, I was a lazy fruitcake. I spent most of the day browsing the NaNoForums and listening to the Final Fantasy Radio, and the rest of the day goofing off.

It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

Honestly, though, I had some things to do and I haven't even begun. I was supposed to do Math, start on my Falcon project, and I've got to research a volunteer program for GirlScouts...

I also need to be plotting. Look how well that's going! I'm sitting here blogging instead, at the pooking of Rena XD

Speaking of Rena, you know what she does? I sit there and tell her I'm terrible with patterns, and she gives me one to figure out. Of course, knowing me, I try and figure it out. And then I hand it to my father and he isn't able to either. It was horrible! I couldn't figure it out! Neither could my dad! -pout-

Um. Um. Yeeeeaaaaah.


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