Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blogged Out?

Alright, so I've had some time thinking about this while messing around with HTML, and I've decided that I'm going to go around saying that I just got blogged out. You know how some people say they got pimped out, talking about their cars or whatever? Well, I'm blogged out.

And now I feel like a dork for saying that.

Oh well.

To the dorks!

Alright, let's get the introductory things out of the way now.

Hi, I'm Brittany, aka, Rapa. I'm a young writer who, let's face it, is a total and complete weirdo girl that probably needs psychological help. Well, this here blog/blogs/what? is going to be my help. ^^ I intend to rant my head off over here, kaythanks. And just ramble, of course. ^^

I have no idea what else to say at the moment... So... -waves and runs off-

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