Sunday, September 26, 2010


Guess who's back, back again, AJ's back, tell a friend. -hums along-

I decided that this is going to be kind of like a diary. Because I can't stop from long posts - I just want to talk to much. Here goes XD

Alright, so Friday sure came along, and he was excited about where he's living, because he's living with a church friend and apparently she's amaaaazing. I'm happy for him! He loves it. He's amazed by the fact that their about to buy him a cellphone and are trying to get a car fixed up for him so he can get his license and stuff... I'm amazed too XD Who the heck would give AJ a car? Pft. I sure wouldn't. He's going to end up running someone over XD Kidding. Hopefully.

Anyway, he warned me Friday night that his mother was probably going to call me, but he didn't know why, because she was asking him for my number and she wouldn't tell him why. Not five minutes after that, she called - so I let him go and called her back.

His family was setting up a surprise party at Gattiland for Saturday and they were inviting me ^^
"You know, because he always talks about you. He never shuts up!"
I was happy to be invited, and I ended up dragging Stevi along with me on Saturday. AJ was so mad on Friday night though, because I just wouldn't tell him what his mother had asked. I can see why he was worried. I would be too if my mother and friend did that to meeee.

So Saturday comes along and I have to clean my entire room and the kitchen before we leave. I spent six hours cleaning. o.O SIX. But I got it done!

Then I had to get dressed in about fifteen minutes before his mom picked us up. She was rattling on about almost everything - very talkitive, very potty-mouthed XD I was nervous as heck, sitting there in the back with Stevi just whispering back and forth. One thing we did agree on when we got in the truck? His older brother? Hawwwt. Just saying.

We got to Gatti's earlier than everyone else, and his mom instructed Stevi and I to go inside and wait because really, we were the biggest surprise for AJ. So we did. I had to try soooo haaaarrrd not to look back and get caught being there, and I did peek once. Just saying him made my heart flutter with happiness. It'd been so long since I'd seen him. Sooo I turned around and mumbled to Stevi, "Don't look, he'll see you." And what does she do? Turn around. And then looking forward again, she says, "Oops. I think he noticed me." -.- Really, Stevi, really?

So heeee walks innnn, and I turn around and look straight at him, just kind of staring. His face LIT UP. And then darkened. "How did I NOT know this was coming?" he said with a scowl. Yup. Go AJ. Blondest red-head I've met since, well, me. Then again, my blonde is natural. So's his red. XD

I spent most of Saturday night hanging with AJ, following him around and sneaking away from Stevi. Made her mad, but she knew that it was just 'cause we hadn't seen eachother in FOREVER.

ANYWAY. So. I'm happy. ^^

The end.

OR IS IT?!?!?!?!

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