Saturday, October 2, 2010


Last niiiiight. Yeah. Last niiiiight, was fuuuuuun. 'Cause I got to hang out with AJ. It. Was. AWESOME. I took him to dad's practice and he loved it ^^ I'm glad we went. We had lots and lots of fun. This included kisses and tag with the kids. Mwahaha. Oh! And I get to see him tomorrow, at church, cause he's taking me to his church. ^^

Although I'm supposed to listen to songs.

I'm in trouble for not knowing these.

List of Songs To Listen To (Apparently):
CCR - Fortunate Son
Twiztid - I'm Alright
Bad Company (By Unknown Singah)
DC Talk(?) - Jesus Freak

I went to All-Region today.
I didn't make it.
And I found out my teacher had been my judge.
And I cried because of that.
Not because I didn't make it, but because I screwed up so bad with my teacher judging. -sigh-

Neh, I don't feel like typing more right now. Maybe later while I'm not being distracted by an important phonecall... Mwahahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't make regionals, gavkay...

    And the only song I know on that list is Jesus Freak. Good song, by the way.

    I DO know a "Bad Company," but I doubt it's the one you have there. I know Bad Company by Bad Company xD
