Thursday, January 27, 2011

1.27.11. Sickly Girl

I'm really not doing well with this blogging thing, but as is, Rena has pushed me to blog again (she was inspiring, a'ight?) and well, here I am.
I'm currently very sick. Not very very sick, just... Either have a cold or the flu. It suuuucks. I don't like sitting at home boredly while all my friends at school do weird stuff without me. -pout-
Ehhhhhh. Imma go back to drawing. Goodbye. XD

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1/5/11 ::Love you Mom::

That's what my dad said as he walked out the door just now o.O Granted, it was with a bit of prodding on her part, but man it was WEIRD.
My family has a long known history of not liking eachother very well. But wow... Not something you hear every day. Huh.
Lessee, I had a better day at school today. I'm rewriting one of my friends' papers on homosexuality and bisexuality and how parents, family, and friends should take it. It wasn't too well written - though pretty good for my friend's writing, buuuut I have to work a lot on it.
I have the rest of my homework to do tonight... and of course Bible study in two hours... Eesh. I have work to do. Bai! -poof-

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1/4/11 ::Already Missed A Day::

I already missed a day of blogging... Day three o.O
Yesterday was really busy. I had Girlscouts and then homework galore... Ick... And of course I was working on my AMV, slacking off on homework. As a result, I now may not work on it for a couple days while I dedicate my afternoons to homework - and of course bible study tomorrow with dear Rena.
Today I had an argument with my father over my grades and how to fix them, and I ended up in the bathroom for about an hour crying and trying to get it together again. I then went to the CIS teacher (Comunities in School) who served as my councilor and pieced everything together for the day, and went to second period. I had missed all of first period in my breakdown stage -.-
Buuut today got better.
I had another argument with my dad that turned into a talk of sorts... But overall it has gotten better, though I'm tired as all heck because I was crying so much today. I can barely keep my eyes open right now XD
And for the record, math SUCKS.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1/2/11 ::Blog. Then Essay.::

AH! I didn't finish my essay yesterday, and then I ended up going shopping today, so now I'm already waaaay behind schedule. And it's only the second day of the year! -dies-
So I bought a Disney Princess Barbie Doll today. And I love it. XD I think I may start collecting Barbies again. And not open 'em. I kinda wish I had bought that one special edition one at goodwill... she was so pretty...
Anyhow, I really don't want to waste anymore time on this blog, I definitely have work to do, and I have to be in bed by 10:30-11:00 pm. Somewhere in there. Tata!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/1/11 ::What a Date!::

I found today's date pretty hilarious, actually. -snicker- Oh. Right. Happy New Years, guys XD

So, I totally forgot one of my most important goals of the year - actually, probably my most important personal goal yet. Losing weight, getting fit, edging closer to being semi-thin XD You know? Make myself feel healthy AND pretty. Starving yourself is overrated. Plus it'd probably be good for me, seeing as I CAN'T HOLD MY OWN WEIGHT!
Anyhow, I have to go back and fix my goal list with that and a few other things. And hang it on my wall. >_< When that'll get done, I'll never know.

I'm thanking God at the moment because I just realized that this is a Saturday. Giving me time to begin work on music and finish my essay... And work out... >_< Eh... Stupid wanting to look and feel good... -.-

I also need to draw something today. I can't forget that. I wonder what I need to draw though... Nothing has sparked creativity yet.

Ah well, off to that list of things I have to do XD Tata!

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Well, I was looking at Rena's updated blog, and I figured that since I haven't updated in forever, I'd just get my butt and gear and start doing it. And since Rena is participating in NaBloPoMo, then I might as well give it a go, so starting tomorrow I have to blog every day of January, or I lose. It doesn't seem so hard on the outside of things, but if I couldn't do it before after resolving to blog every one-three days, it means I have to SERIOUSLY buckle down and do it. It might also improve my determination skill thingies. xDD

Alright. It's New Year's Eve, so I have some planning to do. What do I have to do this year? What are my personal goals? Education? Music? Blah blah blah xD BFS goals - Big Fun Scary goals. Eh... I'll probably end up coming up with the majority of them tomorrow on New Year's xD

Related to Music:
  • Begin learning ocarina
  • Begin learning piano
  • Begin learning cello
  • Save up for a cello (preferably electric so I can play with more privacy)
  • Practice violin for nine hours a week
  • Save up for voice lessons
  • Successfully compose an instrumental piece
  • Successfully compose a vocal piece
  • Finish mine and Rena's duet piece
  • Record a piece on my own
  • Record a duet
  • Transcribe a piece from Final Fantasy
  • Write lyrics to and arrange a piece from Final Fantasy
  • Write/arrange/record a piece with Rena that may or may not be violin/voice/cell + ocarina/flute/piano
  • Con Rena into writing an original piece WITH me
Related to Education
  • Join Octathlon
  • If I make Octathlon, win at least two gold medals
  • Focus more in class and stop sleeping through videos even if I can't keep my eyes open one second longer
  • Make my English teacher remember me as an individual rather than as "one of his old students"
  • Kick my butt in gear and stop slacking on homework and projects
  • Kick my butt into higher gear and get up to straight A's
  • Study Algebra very hard as TAKS nears
  • Focus a little more on photography
  • Finish my yearbook spreads quickly and efficiently
  • Edit mine and my classmates' yearbook spreads
  • Figure out a way to make a higher grade in History
  • Suck up to all the teachers and make them think I'm the best student EVAR
Related to Social Life
  • Re-establish connections with people I haven't been speaking to in the past couple of months
  • Somehow figure out who I should be friends with and who I shouldn't
  • Figure out if I want to be a social loner or not
  • Get over myself and patch things up with AJ
  • Plan a girls day out of some sort for all the girlies
  • Hang out with some guys so I can stop being so girly
  • Figure out when John Paul and I can hang out and actually DO IT
  • Do not let my social life affect EVERYTHING in life
    It's so very hard to make goals for my social life, because it tends to make flippies and such.
  • Study the Bible with Rena
  • Get some more drawings lined and coloured
  • Finish reading Rena's stories (xD)
  • Get one of my own stories on paper (preferably Breathers)
  • Get published with the help of Mr. Olsen
  • Draw a few scenes from some of my stories (preferably Egypt)
  • Draw one thing every day of the year
  • Go back and watch the first season of Digimon and any seasons after that might've been good
  • Watch the first three Pokemon movies and possibly the first season
  • Work on some Final Fantasy GMV's
  • Finish NaNoWriMo this year
  • Win NaBloPoMo this January
  • Move in with my mother
  • Open up a banking account of some sort so I can actualy save (xD)
  • Get fit
If I think of something I'm missing, I'll have to edit this post xD However, I think I've got almost everything. This took HOURS to compile. Okay, well, putting together the actual amount of time I worked on it, maybe half an hour.. -dies- I have a lot to do this year, not including the random crap that pops up when you least expect it. But hopefully Lythyr and Rayne will co-operate and help me get everything done.

Lythyr: I'll most definitely try to help you, Rapa. I love it when you reach your goals. It puts a shine in my heart.
Rayne: I think that's the gay-est thing I've ever heard you say. Ick. We gotta get you a girl, man.
Lythyr: I have no need of a girl..
Rayne: LIES! All of them!
Lythyr: A little bit.
Rayne: Toldja.
Me: I'm not liking this conversation. -smacks you two and finished blog-

Anyhow, Happy New Year's Eve, guys. I hope you all have a Happy New Year! -poof-

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An Update of Horridness

Well, NaNo this year did not go as well I had hoped it would, and I'm not going to hit 50k by the 30th. HOWEVER, I am determined to keep at writing this novel, no matter how bored I get or how tedious it seems or... well no matter what happens, I'm finishing this darn thing.

Now, on the side now that I've freed up some time from NaNo, I'm writing my first complete song, instrumental and everything. All I have at the moment is a couple lines of lyrics and a tune for the chorus, but I'm slowly working my way into this. I need some paper so I can print off some empty sheets for my sheetmusic.. Gotta remember to do that.
Anyhow, Tiggy is working on a project for school, and she asked if she could use the song I'm writing as part of it - it sparked some really sweet ideas for us. I'm going to her house today, so I'll be helping her with her project while I'm there. It should be funnnn.
Which, by the way, she's speaking to me again! *dances happily*

I'm talking to Rena about Christmas lists, and it's now coming to my attention that this year, when my parents ask what I'd like for Christmas, I can actually answer with things that I want! Is awesome. Well, they're still things I need.
Oh but I do so want a cello... *sudden need to go look some up*
